
Top Reasons for Property Managers to Hire a NJ Landscaping Service

If you are a commercial property manager or responsible for property or HOA management of large residential properties, you know that landscape maintenance is one of your largest expenses. You also know that your property’s curb appeal attracts and retains clients (and client leases), residents and potential property buyers. For these reasons, choosing a reliable, established professional landscaping company for this crucial role is one of the smartest decisions you can make. Here are some reasons why you might consider hiring a professional landscaping company.

Top Reasons for Property Managers to Hire a NJ Landscaping Service


People pay attention to a well-manicured lawn and grounds. Just think about your own experience. How many times have you driven by a place only to think, “Wow, that business always looks so nice?” A consistent, well-manicured look is very important to your business presence in the community, no matter what type of business you have.

Year-Round Maintenance

Taking care of your grounds in every season is important. Each season has different requirements. Our New Jersey clients can go from extreme heat in the summer to extreme cold in the winter. We can have droughts or torrential rains. It’s important to have knowledge of how to prep the grounds for each season, and how to guard against summer heat as well as prepare for winter ice. This type of maintenance requires more than just mowing grass. Pruning and trimming shrubs and trees are a big part of that well-manicured look. Spring and fall cleanup of leaves and debris and seasonal mulching will keep your business looking pristine.

To change the look from season to season, spring, summer, fall and even winter color can be added by supplying blooming plants year round. Yes, there are New Jersey plants that will bloom in winter! And of course, commercial snow removal in the winter and spring is a necessary service to keep your parking lots and walkways safe and clear of ice and snow after every weather event. And, unfortunately, emergencies always occur. You can’t predict when you’ll need to fix that pothole in the parking lot or need an emergency tree removal after a storm.

Yucky Pests

Pests and diseases can wreak havoc on your lawn, so it’s good to have a professional who is experienced in the causes and treatments of all kinds of lawn and shrub pests and problems. Proactive solutions are important to address and spot little problems before they become big problems.

DIY Don’ts

You might think you can easily buy your own equipment, do your own research, and hire your own people, but it is harder than you think. It’s also a much bigger investment than you might realize, and is certainly more time consuming. It is much more efficient to “farm it out” to a knowledgeable professional who is already established with the proper tools and equipment.

Creating An Outdoor Oasis

No one wants to eat lunch in a concrete jungle. Perhaps you’ve thought about creating a very inviting outdoor area for your employees to have lunch, take a break, or even have an outdoor meeting when the weather is spectacular.

 Interior Green Spaces
Nothing spruces up an indoor space like the addition of green plants. Immediately, your space is warmer and more welcoming. Consider adding indoor plants in your meeting rooms, break rooms and office spaces. Perhaps you might even consider creating an indoor atrium that is a spectacular lobby space or even a green indoor area that serves as a lunch area.


A professional landscaper can help turn your vision into reality. Perhaps you have a blank slate at a new building, and you want to make it your own. Or perhaps you want to revitalize an existing area with a new look. Many professional landscapers have in-house design teams and can do small projects all the way up to large-scale commercial designs. Perhaps you’ve thought about sprucing up your building with a new lighting project on your grounds. There is no better way to provide that beautiful ambiance! New masonry construction and repair, or new walkways can add tremendous curb appeal—and value—to your outdoor space.

Save on That Water Bill

Consider choosing a professional landscaper that also provides irrigation services and repair. Did you know that 660 gallons are needed for weekly watering of a 1,000 square foot lawn? If your irrigation system is old and leaky, you could be leaking serious cash. Having a professional assess your current system and suggest and implement efficient improvements can really lower your bill. You can also consider xeriscaping, which is landscaping with plants that need very little water, to save further on that bill.

Save on That Electric Bill, Too!

Adding trees to shade your building can help cut down on electric bills. In fact, reports that you can lower an outdoor area under a shade tree by as much as 25 degrees. That makes the building cooler as well, which saves you money on that summer electric bill.

Experience and Reputation

Landscaping services are likely one of your largest annual expenditures, and hiring an unknown company does not necessarily benefit you in the long run. You might end up spending more money and more frustration trying to get what you want. You might end up spending much more time fixing problems, and if the problems linger, potential clients could be turned away or your property could decrease in value. Instead, it is much easier for you as a property manager to have a single commercial landscaping service provide all your services.

Remember that you’ll rarely get a second chance to make a first impression, so keep your property spectacular and stunning.

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