
How to Prepare Your NJ Property for Spring as Winter Ends

How to Prepare Your NJ Property for Spring as Winter Ends

It may not seem like it, but spring is not that far away. Even though the New Jersey air is still cold, now is the time to start thinking about getting your landscaping ready for the spring. If you are not sure where to begin these handy tips for getting your yard ready for spring should help get you started.

Know your climate

Preparing for spring can bring about a lot of excitement and hope for trying new plants and flowers around the yard. Before trying anything new, be sure to know what vegetation works well in your geographical climate in New Jersey. Even the best gardeners won’t be able to grow plants in the wrong weather. Beyond geography, it is important to know the climate of your yard. That means knowing which areas get the most sun and when. This will help with laying out the location of everything that will be planted.

Know which pests you’ll be contending with

Knowing what type of insects, wildlife, and other garden pests you will be dealing with will help you prepare to combat them when the time comes. Oftentimes fending off pests will require fencing, wire mesh, or some type of natural deterrent. Knowing what is needed in advance and being prepared will save a lot of headaches when the spring is here.

Plan for growth

It goes without saying that the vegetation that gets planted when the ground thaws will quickly begin to grow. It is important to keep the growth in mind as you are choosing where to plant everything. Not leaving enough room for expansion will cause you to have to either dig up some plants and re-root them elsewhere or risk losing them.


It is important to do some serious pruning to prepare for spring planting. Perennials need to be cut back to the base. Some of them need to have some growth left behind, so be sure to consult with a local landscaping company if you aren’t sure how far back to prune your plants. It is also a good time to remove any weeds that have grown over the winter at this time. Trees and shrubs should be pruned back as well. Removing dead, damaged, or diseased branches will help them to grow better once the spring comes. After the pruning is done, run a rake through your flower beds. This will help to remove any debris that accumulated during the winter. The debris that is gathered can be used as compost or it should be disposed of properly.


Edging the garden areas of the lawn will help to define these areas from the rest of the yard. It will also help to keep turf from growing into the mulch. Edging also helps to give a lawn that well-maintained look that everyone is looking for.


Lawns, plants, and flowers are all living organisms. Just like other living things, landscaping elements need food to thrive. Fertilizer provides the food these elements need. Simply placing one to two inches of compost around all plants can result in lots of lush greenery in the spring.

Apply a weed controller

Applying a pre-emergent weed controller is a task that will save lots of headaches down the line. This type of weed killer will prevent weeds from germinating and spreading throughout your landscaped yard.


Applying mulch will help to define landscaping. It will also reduce the growth of weeds, help the lawn retain moisture, and regulate ground temperature. It is important to make sure too much mulch doesn’t build up. You don’t want to exceed three inches in depth.

Rake the leaves

Even if there are only a few leaves scattered around the yard, be sure to rake them up. Removing dead leaves and other debris from the surface help to assure the lawn is getting the adequate amount of sun exposure it needs to thrive.

Seed the lawn

Once the lawn is raked, lay down some grass seed and soil mix over the bare patches; then water frequently. Taking this step now will help promote a full, lush lawn when the weather starts to warm up.

Test and balance the soil’s pH

It is vitally important to the health of a lawn for the pH level to be properly balanced. IF you do not know how to check the pH level or how to balance it yourself, you can find easy-to-follow DIY instructions online or you can consult with a reputable local landscaping company to assist you.

Transplant bushes and shrubs

If you are looking for a change and want to move around your bushes and shrubs, the time to do it is before they start developing leaves. Just be sure to capture all of their roots and use lots of fertilizer or compost around the shrubbery once they has been transplanted.

Taking just a little time in the waning weeks of winter to get the prep work done will surely pay off. A landscaper can help you determine which steps are right for your NJ property. Once spring is officially here, you’ll love your beautiful yard.

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