
Best Grass Seed For Your Lawn In New Jersey

Best Grass Seed For Your Lawn In New Jersey

Do you find yourself at a loss when it comes to caring for your lawn? Perhaps it’s time to seek out some professional help to guide you in the right direction. If you are located in Ridgewood, NJ, or its surrounding areas, then look no further! Chris James Landscaping can help you with all your landscaping needs! 

What Is Grass Seed And How Many Types Are There? 

At one point or another, every lawn started out with grass seeds. To make sure your lawn stays in tip-top condition, you will need to do some research. You should determine what your lawn needs based on its environment and problems. This will help you determine which seeds are best for your lawn’s needs. 

There are many types of seeds available, all helping with different environmental factors of your lawn and location. There are up to 12,000 different types available, such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and warm-season grasses, such as St. Augustine and Zoysia. There are two types of grass types though, cool and warm seasons. If you are located in New Jersey, you will want the cool season grass type for your lawn. Cool-season grass types flourish in wet, cold, and snowy regions and in dry, hot summers. 

How To Determine The Right Grass Seed For Your Lawn in NJ

There are a simple series of tests to help you determine which seed is best for your lawn specifically. First, you will want to perform a soil test, then study the types of seeds. Then you will check up on what’s around locally and make your educated decision on species of seed. You will also want to evaluate your lawn and determine what type of sun exposure it gets. This will help you to match the best seed for your lawn’s needs. 

When Should Grass Seed Be Planted In New Jersey? 

The best time to plant grass seed would be in late summer and early fall. This will allow enough time for your grass to grow before the winter arrives. Planting in early spring won’t give your lawn enough time. So in the New Jersey area, the best months would be between mid-August to mid-September. The reasoning behind the timing is the warm days and cool nights. Which helps with seed germination and development. 

What Grass Seed in NJ is The Best to Use? 

There are 2 different grass seeds that have been deemed the best for a New Jersey lawn. Both are cool-season grasses that can flourish in the New Jersey environment. 

Legacy Fine Fescue

This type of grass seed has been known for its survival during extreme weather conditions, such as those of New Jersey’s climate. Like Kentucky bluegrass, it’s known to grow in infertile and dry soils and deep-shaded areas. Wherever your lawn is neglected or forgotten, this type of fescue always flourishes. It is known to be resilient, requires very little maintenance, and favors a close-mowing fashion.

Combat Extreme Northern

This seed is well known for its improved germination. Meaning it establishes itself at a much quicker rate than other grass seeds. It flourishes in full sun or partially shaded lawns and tolerates extra cold temperatures. This grass seed has Kentucky Bluegrass seed mixed in which helps it thrive during the cold winter months of New Jersey.. Not to mention its excellent color and the fact that it is very cost-effective.

Contact Us Today For Your Landscaping Needs! 

If you are tired of failing your lawn every winter, call Chris James Landscaping in Ridgewood, NJ today for all your landscaping needs! Stop restarting your lawn every Spring and have our team prepare your lawn for winter this year! Our team is highly-qualified and delivers the best service available!